Services & Rates

Our web experts help Austrlian businesses get online, maintain their online presence and help secure business continuity at competitive rates.


Domain Management

Domain management services refer to the range of tasks and responsibilities involved in maintaining and overseeing a domain name, typically related to a website or an online presence. Domain names are unique addresses that people use to access websites on the internet, such as

  • Domain Registration: Assisting customers in finding and registering new domain names that match their business or personal needs.
  • Domain Renewals: Ensuring that domain names are renewed before they expire to prevent any disruption of services.
  • DNS Management: Managing Domain Name System (DNS) settings to connect the domain name with the appropriate website or online service.
  • Domain Transfers: Facilitating the transfer of domain names from one registrar to another or from one owner to another.
  • Email Forwarding: Configuring email forwarding for the domain to redirect emails to a designated address.
  • SSL Certificates: Offering SSL certificates to secure the connection between the user's browser and the website, ensuring data privacy.
  • Domain Recovery: Assisting with the recovery of a domain name in case it has expired or been wrongfully acquired by others.

Website Hosting

Web hosting services provide the infrastructure and technologies needed to make a website accessible over the internet. When you create a website, all the files, data, and content associated with it need to be stored on a server, which is a powerful computer that's always connected to the internet. Web hosting services offer server space, storage, bandwidth, and others.

  • Dedicated Hosting: With dedicated hosting, you get an entire server solely dedicated to your website. It provides the highest level of control, performance, and security but is also the most expensive option.
  • Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting utilizes a network of interconnected servers to distribute resources and provide scalability. It can handle traffic spikes effectively and is often billed based on usage.
  • WordPress Hosting: Specifically optimized for WordPress websites, these hosting services offer features like easy WordPress installation, automatic updates, and performance optimization.
  • Managed Hosting: With managed hosting, the hosting provider takes care of server management tasks, such as updates, security, and maintenance, leaving you to focus on your website's content.

Website Migration

Website migration services refer to the process of transferring a website from one hosting provider or platform to another. This migration may involve moving the entire website, including its files, databases, and settings, while ensuring that the website remains functional and accessible throughout the process. Website migration services are typically offered by web hosting companies, web development agencies, or specialized migration service providers.

  • Changing Hosting Providers: When a website owner wants to switch to a different hosting company, they'll need to migrate their website to the new hosting server.
  • Platform Upgrade: If a website is built on an outdated or unsupported platform, the owner may want to migrate to a newer and more secure platform.
  • Server Upgrade: As a website grows and receives more traffic, it might outgrow its current server's resources, prompting the need to move to a more powerful server.
  • Domain Name Change: Sometimes, a website owner might change their domain name, requiring migration to reflect the changes.

E-Mails Set Up

Web maintenance services refer to the ongoing support and updates provided to keep a website running smoothly, securely, and up to date. It involves various tasks that are necessary to ensure a website's optimal performance, functionality, and user experience. These services can be provided by web development agencies, freelancers, or dedicated maintenance companies. Some common web maintenance tasks include:

  • Content Updates: Regularly updating website content, including text, images, videos, and other media to keep information current and relevant.
  • Security Checks and Updates: Implementing security measures to protect the website from potential vulnerabilities, malware, and hacking attempts. Regular updates to the website's software, plugins, and themes are crucial to address security loopholes.
  • Bug Fixes: Identifying and resolving technical issues, errors, or bugs that may arise on the website.
  • Performance Optimisation: Improving the website's speed and performance to ensure fast loading times and smooth user experience.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Creating backups of the website's data and implementing disaster recovery plans to restore the website in case of any unforeseen issues.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: Regularly tracking website performance using analytics tools to gain insights into user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

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